Laura Bond Nutrition

Imagine waking up feeling energised? Eating a meal without bloating? And losing weight while actually eating more? I am a Nutritional therapist (DipION) author and mother and I love helping people to change their habits for good.


Laura Bond Nutrition

Imagine waking up feeling energised? Eating a meal without bloating? And losing weight while actually eating more?

I am a Nutritional therapist (DipION), author and mother and I love helping people to change their habits for good.

What is a Nutritional Therapist?

I use the latest nutritional science to optimise clients’ digestion, energy and overall health. Nutritional Therapy is recognised as a complementary medicine and can benefit those looking to support their long term health, as well as being relevant for those with chronic conditions.

As a nutritional therapist I help clients build new routines which provide a solid foundation for when life gets busy. 

Functional Medical Testing is one of the main tools I use to get a clearer picture of what is going on for a client. This might be a comprehensive stool test (available for children and adults) or a detailed hormone analysis. I also offer 2-week bespoke meal plans with quick tasty recipes which the whole family can enjoy. 

Making dietary changes can be hard, as often our food choices are steeped in associations with comfort and nostalgia. It’s for this reason I take the time to share the latest scientific evidence with clients so they feel motivated to make long-term changes. I also scope out the best choices at a client’s local supermarket or workplace.

Client Testimonials

Meet Laura

Hello! I am a nutritional therapist, published author, mother and I love helping people to change their habits for good. I also know that the best intentions can falter under stress and too little sleep.

I have over 10 years of experience working closely with clients and am qualified with a Nutritional Therapist Dip (ION), a 4-year qualification. I've continued my education with ongoing CPD in children's health, fertility, gastrointestinal health and cancer. These are areas I am passionate about and have represented at Corporate Workshops for global brands such as DropBox and Time Warner.

Laura Bond Perth Nutritional Therapist

Work with Laura

If you’d like to discuss how Laura can support the health of you or your child book a consult today.

Work with Laura

If you’d like to discuss how Laura can support you as a new mother with your bub in diet, wellbeing and lifestyle, book a consult today.

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